Saturday, October 29, 2011

A little story about me

When I was a kid  everything was like a beautiful dream .The imagination ,the thoughts that I had in my mind ..word can't not explain. The  things that I was   imagining in my head would make me the happiest little girl on earth. It did not matter if I didn't had everything  I wanted because in my mind,and in my heart, I had absolutely everything. But I had people who loved me ,cheered me up ,wipe my tears and that was enough for me. All praises are due to Allah , the Most Kind, the Most Merciful .
Today, I am still a happy person , even though there is so much pressure in this corrupted society, all I do it's stay positive and find the positive energy. And this is what motivates me alot. So when I stressed, I say to myself why I stressing out ?This is Dunya and Dunya is temporary ! Besides I'm too blessed to be stressed.
So let's all smile and say Alhamdulillah ,because there is always someone in worst situation than you are.

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