Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What is the secret to Happiness

Everybody wants this everyone is searching for  and no one knows the secret to finding  happiness. It does not matter if you are black white chines or in between they all want happiness and oh if you are poor, rich, middle class, or working class. But only few will attain happiness in this life and the after life. I think in order to attain happiness your soul needs to be clean no hatred no violence  and most  importantly  fear Allah . As a believer  we have happiness alhamdulilah in our lives  and only few people will understand this statement . I figured if you  live a simple life than you will attain happiness.  Forget about  this material  world at the end of the day  you are not guaranteed to live a another day. Don't worry about what others have  and that you don't have. Always remember  your are better off than  others. Always say Alhamdulilah be kind to be people  smile do something positive something that you enjoy doing and always go to sleep with  a clean heart.  Maybe some of these example will help anyone attain the secret to happiness. Just  remember this  
“When you are in the evening, do not expect to see the morning, and when you are in the morning, do not expect to see the evening.”(Al- Bukhari)

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