Thursday, October 27, 2011

To all my sisters in Islam

Dear sisters in Islam,

It is really important to love yourself the way Allah SWt created you. You’re beautiful no matter what color you are! You don’t need some products to be beautiful. Being beautiful comes from the inside. Beauty has no color. You’re not more because you’re White, Black, Arab Brown, etc...What make you beautiful are your character and your personalities, for example that way you behave, or the way you treat people. Let’s not be arrogant and full of pride. Let’s thank Allah for what we are. Remember, we’re our same in the Sight of Allah, only the good deeds make us a better person and not the looks. In a community you see sisters who think they are superior to others, simply because they think their more beautiful than others. Sadly, our society is like that but we shouldn’t accept that. Because Islam thought us better. So, my sisters is Islam, know that you are beautiful because you are a Muslim woman.

O my sisters, why would you change yourself when Allah the Most High made you beautiful?

In Islam outward appearance has no part to play at all in terms of position. In Islam all are equal; the only inequality lies in how good a Muslim we are. The knowledgeable person is far superior to the less knowledgeable. “Say, are those who know equal to those who do not know?” [39:9]
“Allah may raise those among you who believe, and those who have been given knowledge, by ranks”[58:11]

The only beauty is how well we perform in our Islam and true beauty comes from good actions and character.

May Allah make us all pure and guard and modestly, protect us from the Fitnah of this Dunya and reward us in the Hereafter.

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