Saturday, October 15, 2011

love or Lust

As I stare at the t.v. screen wide eyed and hands on my cheeks I begin to ponder what is  the true meaning of love is, or could it be the PDA we are bombarded with or is it endless kisses or an infinity of I love you. I say these are forms of lust what ever happened pure love like the one shared by prophet mohamed(s.a.w.) and khhadija or even Aisha., today's form of love is more sexually directed ,what happened to the days of long walks and deep conversations, what happened to respecting one another or the simple concept of growing old together.Ladies heed my advice if a brother is willing to do things that will make allah(s.w.a.t.)angry with you wallahi he is not worth it,don't let the whisper of shaitan and lust be the reason why you stray from the path Allah.May Allah forgive us for our sins.

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