Thursday, October 20, 2011

Natural Hair Care

Every wanted long lushious and envious locks, well look no further, but before i start handing out advice I must tell you that to achieve this goal it takes hard work and dedication.  I know most sisters are about straightening and coloring and doing everything that is possible to torture and damage natural hair.You must know that the more chemicals you apply to your hair the more effort it will take to reverse the damage you have done. I encourage that you use natural products to promote healthy hair growth,below I will provide natural recipes for every type of hair. Please feel free to experiment with any of these recipes.Be patient because patience is virtue.

1 egg yolk
Cup of milk
Rose water

Dry Hair
1 banana ripe
1/2 avacado
1 cup of yogurt
wheat germ oil'
1 vitamin e capsule

Soft hair
Olive oil
Coconut milk
1 egg yolk

P.S. You must leave these only for at least 20 minutes!!!!

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