Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tips on how to spot a guy who is a liar.

1. Guy  who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.
2. guilty guy gets defensive. An innocent guy will often go on the offensive.
3.A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away.
4.Expression is limited  you know this because  his eyes are  getting bigger  and scary.
5.Liars always rub their palms or hide their hands  in their pockets.
6.When guy is lying he will  play with objects in their  possessions such as their cell phone pens watch or whatever they can reach or hold.
7.Their voices change from a low tone to a high tone.
8.A liars does not make sense with his grammar as if he forgotten the English words.
9.A Liar will try to change the topic or subject.
10.Liars avoid giving you direct answers.

What do  you ladies think of these signs  have you ever seen these signs in your men??  Or  can we  as women tell the signs of a liar or a cheaters. Please share your thoughts by writing comment. I love reading these interesting responds to these  questions. Thank you

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