Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Getting too comfortable in this Dunnya

To my sisters what is the cost to  happiness? It is having a big house a car the latest Gucci clothes bags shoes.  Do you ever thing of oh  these are just material stuff that i will one day leave them.While little children are starving  of hungry. Did we forget that this world is nothing  that the grave is waiting for us and  Allah will  question us on how we send our days in this earth. So to my sister forget about  the material stuff  the big house the car the  brand name clothes but make dua that Allah gives us the strength  to fight our inner demons . I know their are sister out their who compete to have the bigger house the better car but if you are doing this to show off than what good is that. Knowing that you can't afford all these things and that you are max out  your credit card and that you will fall deep into debt what good is that. Forget about the peer pressure just do you  and know that it is okay to have nothing and to live a simple life. So lets stop to think about how we live your life. Are we living  this dunnya thinking that we will never leave or living this dunnya knowing that we will leave one day.

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