Sunday, December 23, 2012

What's for Dinner

if you love meatball i know your family will love my  Fried Lamb Meatballs.Make sure to mix everything together with your hands it is kind of relaxing and a efficient way of preparing them.

What you will need:
  1. 2medium sliced of bread make sure to remove the crusts
  2. 500gl\1\4 minced ground lamb
  3. 1onion 
  4. 5ml\1tsp each dried thyme  and oregano 
  5. Flat leaf parsley plus extra to garnish
  6. 1 egg lightly beaten salt,ground pepper, and lemon wedges to serve(optional)

For Frying you will need:25gl\1oz\1\4 cup  plain all purpose flour 
30-45ml\2-3tbsp vegetable or light olive oil.

  1. Soak the slice of bread in a shallow bowl of water for 5minutes or until softened while the bread is soaking  grate or very finely chop the onions .
  2. Drain the bread in a colander using cleans hands  squeeze it dry and put it in a large bowl. Add the meat, onion dried herbs parsley egg salt and pepper to the bread Mix together well .
  3. Shape the meat mixture into individual ball about the size of a walnuts, and roll them in the flour to give them a light dusting  shaking off  any excess coating.
  4. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. When it is hot, add the meatballs and fry for about 5mintues, shaking the pan turning them frequently until they are cooked through and look crisp and brown.
  5. Using a slotted spoon,lift out the meatballs and drain on a double sheet of kitchen paper to get rid of the excess oil. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley and serve with a lemon wedges if you like.

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