Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Greeting each other with Salaam and it's importance in Islam

As a Muslim’s do we really know the meaning of "assalaamu alaykum" peace be upon you or the importance of greeting one another my dear sisters and brothers in Islam. "Assalaamu alaykum" means peace be upon you and Islam means peace so with the Ummah greeting each other with salaam we are spreading peace among ourselves. Allah says In the Quran "And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return    in it equally." Qur'an, An-Nisa 4:86) We  often, we take greetings for granted and attach least importance to them. In these verses, however, Allah reminds the Muslims that offering greetings and the manner of the greeting are of highest importance. In my many hadith we see Prophet Mohamed s.a w stress the importance of greetings when he defined the rights of a Muslim: "The rights of a Muslim upon another are five: returning greetings, visiting the sick, following the funeral procession, responding to invitations and offering 'Tashmeet' for one who sneezes." (Bukhari and Muslim).  When you  Exchange salaam holds a high position in Islam. Not only is salaam equated with many other important deeds, but it is one of the defining criteria of belief. We observe many Hadiths pertaining to the position of exchanging salaam in Islam.In one Hadith a man asked the Prophet about which aspect of Islam was best. The Prophet replied:"Feeding the hungry, and saying salaam to those you know and those you don't know." (Bukhari and Muslim). The Prophet also said:"You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another: 'spread salaam' (the greeting of peace) among you." (Muslim)The Prophet Muhammad also explained another virtue of salaam in the following Hadith:"When two Muslims meet (give salaam), and shake hands, they are forgiven their sins before they part (with each other)." (Abu Dawud)Finally, reflect on another saying of the Prophet, when he said:"O people! Spread salaam, feed the hungry, be in touch with your kin, and pray while people are asleep (at night) you shall enter paradise peacefully." Tirmithi). Most people don’t know there are a grades system when it comes saying salaam to each other. There are several forms of exchanging salaam. Each has its grade which corresponds to the extent of the phrase.There is a Hadith where Imran Ibn Hussayn (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that: "A man came to the Prophet and said, 'assalaamu alaykum!' The Prophet returned his greeting and when the man sat down, the Prophet said: 'Ten.' Another man came and said: 'assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.' to which the Prophet also responded, and when the man sat down, He said 'Twenty.' Another man came and said: 'assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.' The Prophet returned his greeting, and after the man sat down, he said: 'Thirty." (Abu Dawud and Tirmithi)The Hadith has been interpreted to mean that the minimum form of the Islamic greeting which is acceptable is "assalaamu alaykum" and one is rewarded ten good deeds for saying it. The second grade, adding "wa rahmatullah", raises the reward to twenty good deeds. The best grade of salaam is "assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu", and this is worth thirty good deeds. THE ISLAMIC RULING ON SALAAM initiating salaams is considered 'Sunnah' or optional, returning the salaams after it is offered is considered 'wagib' or obligatory, based on the first Qur'anic ayah mentioned. Islam also encourages people to offer the first greeting as mentioned in the Hadiths mentioned previously. "O Messenger of Allah , when any one of us meets a Muslim brother or a friend then should he bow his head (as a sign of courtesy to him)?' He said: 'No.' The man said: 'Should he embrace him?' He said: 'No.' The man then asked: 'Should he clasp his hands?' He said: 'Yes." (Tirmithi)There is situation UNDER WHICH SALAAM IS DISCOURAGED. There are certain situations under which it is preferable not to offer salaam. These include; when a person is relieving himself, when one is having marital relationship, when someone is sleeping or when in the bathroom. Offering salaam when someone is reciting the Qur'an is permissible but discouraged. The same rule applies to someone who is making du'a (supplication) or one who is praying. EXCHANGING SALAAM WITH NON-MUSLIMS The Prophet said: "Do not greet the Jews and the Christians with salaam." However, if they salaam first, we may reply by saying "wa alaykum" (and upon you)." (Bukhari and Muslim). So remember next time when a Muslim say salaam it is your duty to say salaam back.

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