Friday, December 21, 2012

Dinner for the Family.Spicy Shrimp with Garlic

Spicy Shrimp with Garlic

  1. 1tbsp olive oil
  2. 2tbsp butter
  3. 1\12 lb shrimp this is about 40pieces of peeled and  deveined
  4. 1/2tbsp salt
  5. 1/8 tsp ground black pepper
  6. 2-3lg cloves garlic finely chopped
  7. 1/4tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  8. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  9. 1tbsp chopped parsley or fresh basil.

Heat the oil and butter in a large skillet over medium high heat until the butter is melted. Add the shrimp salt and the black pepper. Cook, stirring frequently until just slightly see-through inside 2 to 3 minutes

Stir in the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook stirring frequently until the shrimp are obscure throughout 1 to 2 minute lowering the heat if the garlic begins to color

Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and sprinkled with parsley.

You can eat  it with pasta or rice or anything that you like enjoy

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