Thursday, December 20, 2012

5 simple ways to improve your life.

5 simple ways to improve your life dramatically.

  1. Do less: Don't  overwhelm yourself by doing so much things at ones . The lesser you  do the lesser of a stress you will have. for example don't  buy things you don't need because this will get you in debt and by you in debt you will stress and worry and over think and than you will have to work more to get out of this debt. Less is better in life.
  2. Take Risks: Sometimes taking risks allow us to do something   we never dare to do. So by  you taking a risk it allow you to do something new and exciting in your life. For example  get up and pack and go on a vacation or something that you never dare to do.
  3.  Worry less : Worrying will not get you anywhere. So if something happened you can't change that situation it is done so don't worry about it  just move on and don't worry about it. Worrying will cause you to stress and  over think and than God forbidden but can even cause you to go into depression. So we don't need this in our lives so worry less.
  4. No Arguments or Fighting:Why do we insist on being right all the time? Try to  lose an arguments for ones. It’s great fun and interrupts patterns in people. Seeing people get confused is a lot of fun
  5. Smile: When you  smile i believe  you are inviting others into your world. and also their are some benefits to smiling. When you smile you can change the mood  you are in.Smiling relieves stress and also can lower your blood pressure so next time you thinking of been sad think about all  these great benefits to smiling.

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