Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hadith of the day

“The sign of the love of Allah is the love of the Qur’an, and the sign of the love of Allah and the Qur’an is the love of the Prophet (); and the sign of the Prophet’s love is the love of his sunnah, and the sign of the sunnah’s love is the love of the Hereafter; the sign of the Hereafter’s love is detachment from the worldly life, and the sign of detachment from the worldly life is taking only sustenance needed to attain Paradise in the Hereafter.”
— Sahl ibn Sa`d (رضي الله عنه)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Are We Losing Focus

Great lecture to watch.. What is your goal in life or are we losing our focus on  worldly stuff.. please do watch this video.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Weekend Getaway

I love dressing up in skirts because  it is comfortable and modest at the same time.

Hadith of the day

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:“Paradise is closer to anyone of you than your shoe lace, as is the Hellfire”
(Sahih Bukhari)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lecture on the trap of this Dunya

My dear Muslim sisters and brothers we all know that we have fallen hard for this dunya (world). Please lets not get too  attached to this world as it is a prison for the believers .The Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said "This world in which we reside, it is a prison for the believer." What does this mean? The Believer is restricted by the Book of Allaah & the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).

Hadith of the day

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Box Day Shopping.

What is Boxing Day well let me tell you. Box Day is a day after Christmas which many of the stores have a post Christmas sales. In Canada most of the people have this day off so that they can go shopping and spend their money away. Most Stores will have 50 to 75% off which in this cause many normal people to act crazy. I have seen people sleep outside of store or come to the malls at 6am. I think that is a bit too much but if you want to get the best I guess it is great if you come out early to beat other people to the lines. Most people go after Electronics and clothes   that usually would cost a fortune. For example I had my daughter a lot of toys from Toy’s R Us and have gone to the other retail stores to buy some clothes. In a normal day I would spend $70 for like three items of clothes but today I have gotten like 10 items of clothes for like $70 so I think Boxing Day is a great time to shop and get the things you can’t usually affordable and it is a great thing to have things that you like not can’t afford. Most people buy cameras TVs and cell phones. The worst part of this day is the long lines you have wait and also don’t forget that you can’t find any park at the mall unless you come very early in the morning. This is worth the wait or the   finding parking or having the mall packed with people. I think it is if you are after buying big items like TV’s Cameras and toys for your children I think it is worth it.

Hadith of the day

The Prophet (PBUH) said, He who purifies (performs Wudu) himself in his house and then walks to one of the houses of Allah (mosque) for performing an obligatory Salat, one step of his will wipe out his sins and another step will elevate his rank (in Jannah). Reported by Muslim, Hadith.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hadith of the day

"Invite people to Islam even without words” They asked ”How?” He replied ”With your manners.” ~ Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

Monday, December 24, 2012

Halloween, New Years, Mawlid, Valentines day - Can I Celebrate This? - Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari

Hadith of Day

If Allah brings some harm to you, there is none to remove it except He. And if He intends to bring some good to you, there is none to turn His grace back. He brings it to whomever He wills from among His servants. He is the Most-Forgiving, the Very Merciful. Quran [10:107] 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

What's for Dinner

if you love meatball i know your family will love my  Fried Lamb Meatballs.Make sure to mix everything together with your hands it is kind of relaxing and a efficient way of preparing them.

What you will need:
  1. 2medium sliced of bread make sure to remove the crusts
  2. 500gl\1\4 minced ground lamb
  3. 1onion 
  4. 5ml\1tsp each dried thyme  and oregano 
  5. Flat leaf parsley plus extra to garnish
  6. 1 egg lightly beaten salt,ground pepper, and lemon wedges to serve(optional)

For Frying you will need:25gl\1oz\1\4 cup  plain all purpose flour 
30-45ml\2-3tbsp vegetable or light olive oil.

  1. Soak the slice of bread in a shallow bowl of water for 5minutes or until softened while the bread is soaking  grate or very finely chop the onions .
  2. Drain the bread in a colander using cleans hands  squeeze it dry and put it in a large bowl. Add the meat, onion dried herbs parsley egg salt and pepper to the bread Mix together well .
  3. Shape the meat mixture into individual ball about the size of a walnuts, and roll them in the flour to give them a light dusting  shaking off  any excess coating.
  4. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. When it is hot, add the meatballs and fry for about 5mintues, shaking the pan turning them frequently until they are cooked through and look crisp and brown.
  5. Using a slotted spoon,lift out the meatballs and drain on a double sheet of kitchen paper to get rid of the excess oil. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley and serve with a lemon wedges if you like.

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream

The best ice cream in the world  is Ben and Jerry's got to love them all.One of the most exciting aspects to Ben & Jerry's ice cream is that the  company's willingness to be original and innovative. This is a  list of their current ice cream flavors include: Banana Split, Brownie Batter, Butter Pecan, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cherry Garcia, Cake Batter, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, chocolate Macadamia, Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl, Cinnamon Buns, Coffee Heath Bar Crunch, Chocolate Therapy, Coconut 7-Layer Bar, Crème Brulee, Chubby Hubby, Coffee, Dave Matthews Band "Magic Brownies," Chunky Monkey, Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz!, Dublin Mudslide, Everything But The...,Imagine Whirled Peace, Fossil Fuel, Mango Mango, Goodbye Yellow Brickle Road, Karamel Sutra, Mint Chocolate Chunk, Key Lime Pie, Mint Chocolate Cookie, Mission to Marzipan, Neapolitan Dynamite, New York Super Fudge Chunk, Oatmeal Cookie Chunk, One Cheesecake Brownie, Orange and Cream, Flipped Out, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, Peanut Butter Cup, Phish Food, Pistachio, Pistachio, S'mores, Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream, Strawberry, Strawberry Cheesecake, Sweet Cream and Cookies, Triple Caramel Chunk, Turtle Soup, Vanilla, Vanilla Almond, Vanilla Caramel Fudge, Vanilla Fudge Brownie, Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch, Willie Nelson's Country Peach Cobbler.

Quote of the day

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “Perform Salah more often. For every prostration that you perform before Allah, He will raise your position by one degree and will remit one of your sins”.
- Reported by Muslim, Hadeeth.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quote of the day

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The Paradise is surrounded by hardships and the Hell-Fire is surrounded by temptations. Reported by Muslim, Hadeeth.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Dinner for the Family.Spicy Shrimp with Garlic

Spicy Shrimp with Garlic

  1. 1tbsp olive oil
  2. 2tbsp butter
  3. 1\12 lb shrimp this is about 40pieces of peeled and  deveined
  4. 1/2tbsp salt
  5. 1/8 tsp ground black pepper
  6. 2-3lg cloves garlic finely chopped
  7. 1/4tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  8. 1 tbsp lemon juice
  9. 1tbsp chopped parsley or fresh basil.

Heat the oil and butter in a large skillet over medium high heat until the butter is melted. Add the shrimp salt and the black pepper. Cook, stirring frequently until just slightly see-through inside 2 to 3 minutes

Stir in the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook stirring frequently until the shrimp are obscure throughout 1 to 2 minute lowering the heat if the garlic begins to color

Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice and sprinkled with parsley.

You can eat  it with pasta or rice or anything that you like enjoy

Quote of day

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarreling even if he was in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he was joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good. Abu Dawood, Hadeeth.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Coffee Addict

Coffee Addicts. Which coffee do you ladies love to buy .. Tim hortons Starbucks or dunkin donuts

5 simple ways to improve your life.

5 simple ways to improve your life dramatically.

  1. Do less: Don't  overwhelm yourself by doing so much things at ones . The lesser you  do the lesser of a stress you will have. for example don't  buy things you don't need because this will get you in debt and by you in debt you will stress and worry and over think and than you will have to work more to get out of this debt. Less is better in life.
  2. Take Risks: Sometimes taking risks allow us to do something   we never dare to do. So by  you taking a risk it allow you to do something new and exciting in your life. For example  get up and pack and go on a vacation or something that you never dare to do.
  3.  Worry less : Worrying will not get you anywhere. So if something happened you can't change that situation it is done so don't worry about it  just move on and don't worry about it. Worrying will cause you to stress and  over think and than God forbidden but can even cause you to go into depression. So we don't need this in our lives so worry less.
  4. No Arguments or Fighting:Why do we insist on being right all the time? Try to  lose an arguments for ones. It’s great fun and interrupts patterns in people. Seeing people get confused is a lot of fun
  5. Smile: When you  smile i believe  you are inviting others into your world. and also their are some benefits to smiling. When you smile you can change the mood  you are in.Smiling relieves stress and also can lower your blood pressure so next time you thinking of been sad think about all  these great benefits to smiling.

Quote of the day

“Among the most beloved of places are the mosques.” (Prophet Mohamed Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam,)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Signs of an Evil Death in Islam - Abu Muwahhid

Yesterday i have shared the signs of a good death and now insha Allah i have posted the other side to death  the bad death or the signs of an evil death in Islam..

Greeting each other with Salaam and it's importance in Islam

As a Muslim’s do we really know the meaning of "assalaamu alaykum" peace be upon you or the importance of greeting one another my dear sisters and brothers in Islam. "Assalaamu alaykum" means peace be upon you and Islam means peace so with the Ummah greeting each other with salaam we are spreading peace among ourselves. Allah says In the Quran "And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return    in it equally." Qur'an, An-Nisa 4:86) We  often, we take greetings for granted and attach least importance to them. In these verses, however, Allah reminds the Muslims that offering greetings and the manner of the greeting are of highest importance. In my many hadith we see Prophet Mohamed s.a w stress the importance of greetings when he defined the rights of a Muslim: "The rights of a Muslim upon another are five: returning greetings, visiting the sick, following the funeral procession, responding to invitations and offering 'Tashmeet' for one who sneezes." (Bukhari and Muslim).  When you  Exchange salaam holds a high position in Islam. Not only is salaam equated with many other important deeds, but it is one of the defining criteria of belief. We observe many Hadiths pertaining to the position of exchanging salaam in Islam.In one Hadith a man asked the Prophet about which aspect of Islam was best. The Prophet replied:"Feeding the hungry, and saying salaam to those you know and those you don't know." (Bukhari and Muslim). The Prophet also said:"You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another: 'spread salaam' (the greeting of peace) among you." (Muslim)The Prophet Muhammad also explained another virtue of salaam in the following Hadith:"When two Muslims meet (give salaam), and shake hands, they are forgiven their sins before they part (with each other)." (Abu Dawud)Finally, reflect on another saying of the Prophet, when he said:"O people! Spread salaam, feed the hungry, be in touch with your kin, and pray while people are asleep (at night) you shall enter paradise peacefully." Tirmithi). Most people don’t know there are a grades system when it comes saying salaam to each other. There are several forms of exchanging salaam. Each has its grade which corresponds to the extent of the phrase.There is a Hadith where Imran Ibn Hussayn (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that: "A man came to the Prophet and said, 'assalaamu alaykum!' The Prophet returned his greeting and when the man sat down, the Prophet said: 'Ten.' Another man came and said: 'assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.' to which the Prophet also responded, and when the man sat down, He said 'Twenty.' Another man came and said: 'assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.' The Prophet returned his greeting, and after the man sat down, he said: 'Thirty." (Abu Dawud and Tirmithi)The Hadith has been interpreted to mean that the minimum form of the Islamic greeting which is acceptable is "assalaamu alaykum" and one is rewarded ten good deeds for saying it. The second grade, adding "wa rahmatullah", raises the reward to twenty good deeds. The best grade of salaam is "assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu", and this is worth thirty good deeds. THE ISLAMIC RULING ON SALAAM initiating salaams is considered 'Sunnah' or optional, returning the salaams after it is offered is considered 'wagib' or obligatory, based on the first Qur'anic ayah mentioned. Islam also encourages people to offer the first greeting as mentioned in the Hadiths mentioned previously. "O Messenger of Allah , when any one of us meets a Muslim brother or a friend then should he bow his head (as a sign of courtesy to him)?' He said: 'No.' The man said: 'Should he embrace him?' He said: 'No.' The man then asked: 'Should he clasp his hands?' He said: 'Yes." (Tirmithi)There is situation UNDER WHICH SALAAM IS DISCOURAGED. There are certain situations under which it is preferable not to offer salaam. These include; when a person is relieving himself, when one is having marital relationship, when someone is sleeping or when in the bathroom. Offering salaam when someone is reciting the Qur'an is permissible but discouraged. The same rule applies to someone who is making du'a (supplication) or one who is praying. EXCHANGING SALAAM WITH NON-MUSLIMS The Prophet said: "Do not greet the Jews and the Christians with salaam." However, if they salaam first, we may reply by saying "wa alaykum" (and upon you)." (Bukhari and Muslim). So remember next time when a Muslim say salaam it is your duty to say salaam back.

Quote of the day

When Moses came to the place appointed by Us, and his Lord addressed him, He said: "O my Lord! show (Thyself) to me, that I may look upon thee." Allah said: "By no means canst thou see Me (direct); But look upon the mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me." When his Lord manifested His glory on the Mount, He made it as dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to Thee! to Thee I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe."

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Step by Step Guide to Salah - Teach Me How Pray

Learn how to pray salat in the correct way.

Signs of a Good Death in Islam - Abu Muwahhid

Please watch this lecture and thinking about it.. may Allah give us a good death ameen ya Allah.

Caring for your hair.

With the onset of winter, your hair tends to become dry and difficult to manage. So avoid damages caused by the harsh winter dryness,   make sure you  take the  proper protective measures need to be taken during the winter. Here are some Winter Hair care Tips that can guide you about how to take special care for your hair during winter. Use conditioner wash your hair less like maybe every week or so.  i love using Dove hair products. The Dove products are great for damaged hair.  Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo with Micro Moisture  and their Damage Therapy Beautiful Care Conditioner with Micro Moisture is great for Damage hair. Make sure you always use leave in conditioner and don't blow dry your hair and try not to  Flat iron your hair lot this can cause a lot damages to your hair . I heard that coloring your hair can cause a lot of damage to it too.

Quote of the day

Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, “The nearest a slave can be to his Lord is when he is prostrating, so invoke (supplicate) Allah much in it.- Reported by Muslim & Abu Dawood, Hadeeth.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The conditions of hijaab:

Most of us Muslimah don't even know their are conditions  to wearing our hijabs.. Insha Allah i will list  the important conditions of wearing the hijab insha Allah sisters And also will show proof from the Quran or from the Hadith. 

First:  The Hijab should cover all the body apart from whatever has been exempted.
Allaah says : “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” This aayah clearly states that it is obligatory to cover all of a woman’s beauty and adornments and not to display any part of that before non-mahram men (“strangers”) except for whatever appears unintentionally, in which case there will be no sin on them if they hasten to cover it up.

 Second.  The Hijab should not be an adornment in and of itself.Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“… and not to show off their adornment…” [al-Noor 24:31]. The general meaning of this phrase includes the outer garment, because if it is decorated it will attract men’s attention to her. This is supported by the aayah in Soorat al-Ahzaab (interpretation of the meaning): This means that  the hijab should not be flashy but simple.

Third: The hijab It should be thick and not transparent or “see-through.(Narrated by Muslim from the report of Abu Hurayrah).Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) meant was women who wear clothes made of light fabric which describes and does not cover. They are clothed in name but naked in reality.because it cannot cover properly otherwise. Transparent or see-through  clothing makes a woman more tempting and beautiful. Concerning this the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “During the last days of my ummah there will be women who are clothed but naked, with something on their heads like the humps of camels. Curse them, for they are cursed.” Another hadeeth adds: “They will not enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance.”To my dear Muslimah please make sure you don't fall into the styling your hijab to a point where everyone  is looking at you .. Keep it simple and modest ladies..

Cover your Hair Ladies.. (HIjab)

The Hijab  the Islamic head scarf has gotten a makeover and is one of the most popular clothing items that are worn by Muslim women. The Hijab has gone through many modifications and shed its conservative image. The younger generation of Muslim women has different style in designs, colors, and patterns. The old tradition is still here and is worn by older or middle age women who still like to wear black or dark colored hijabs. Hijab is not only belief or modesty is a way of living. Allah says Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”[al-Ahzaab 33:59] To all my Muslimah who are struggling to wear the hijab think about it Allah has commanded us  to wear the Hijab and Allah knows best sisters..