Thursday, September 12, 2013

5 Must have for fall

Say farewell to summer and welcome back fall. i know with a busy schedule we women don't have the time or the energy to know whats hot or trendy.we know that at  some point we have to give up our dress and sandals because it is getting a  little chilly this is a big sign for the lovely fall weather. put away the sandal's and the dress and replace them with Skirts or jeans.but my must have pieces for fall are a  small watch,  handle bag  ,Accessories lipstick.make sure it is the small watch style with a tiny faces at the Basel.and  is perfect for layering with can find these at your local store departments.when you are buying handbag make sure you choice neutral color that you can use it with everything and don't forget to have accessories around .

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

Serves 4
1 ½ cups of All Purpose Flour
2 tsp of Baking Powder
1 tsp of Baking Soda
½ tsp of Salt
2 Eggs, separated
2 cups of Buttermilk
¼ cup of Granulated sugar
¼ cup of Unsalted Butter, melted
1 ½ cups of Blueberries  

1) In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and sugar, set aside.

2) In a small bowl, toss the blueberries with a couple tablespoons of the flour mixture and set that aside.

3) In a large measuring cup or small bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, egg yolks and melted butter and set that aside as well.

4) In another bowl, whisk the egg whites until they develop stiff peaks.

5) Pour the buttermilk mixture into the flour mixture and whisk until everything is combined well, fold in the egg whites and blueberry mixture and mix everything in gently in over to prevent the egg whites from deflating.

6) Preheat a large griddle over medium heat and brush it with some melted butter or spray with non stick spray.

7) Using a 1/3 cup measuring cup, ladle out the batter and spread it out a bit. The pancakes will need about 2 to 3 minutes on one side or until they start to form little bubbles around the edges, flip them and cook them for another 2 minutes or so or until both sides are golden brown and the pancakes are fully cooked through.

Serve with maple syrup

Perfect day

This is my idea of the perfect day for going out with your friends to a movie and a dinner.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to School

Back to school is a sign of summer ending and the blessing of sending your trouble makers back to school . Where you can sit for a 10minutes and not hearing a single scream of Mommy  I help  or Mommy can you make me something to eat.But you  start to panic because you where too busy celebrating  that you forget to go the  infamous  back to school shopping where you spend your hared earn money on  brand names clothes shoes and oh yeah the list of items for your classes. In the back of your head you are worried about how their first day well be  or well they get bullied lose their  backpack  but before we get ahead of yourself calm down and  start withe school shopping list. My recommendation would be make a list of the things your children need get organize and plan a head. The best time to go shopping is early in the morning when the malls or stores are not really busy.If you have older children and they like brand names than go to the malls and most of the stores are having some kind of a sale or deal for the back to school shopping but if you have younger children than they don't care about brand names so you can take them to a places like Waltmart or The Children Places.  I have learned that the best place to shop for back to school supplies are places like the dollar store Walmart and Staples.Don't forget to the children  involve in this process let them pick their own school supplies and their bags etc. Children grow up so fast that you will not get these moment so enjoy and have fun and don't forget  it is going to be a long year.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Outfit of the day

This is a simple outfit i put together . When you are putting your outfit make sure you have color.. Ladies don't be so afraid of the colors. Colors are our friend.The outfit is simple and modest also.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Recipe Sambusa (Samosa)

Sambusa are a pastry that is filled with flavors enjoyed across Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Sambusa are served as appetizers and snacks at home and at celebrations. Sambusa are extra special during Ramadan. I don't know why but i love it.

  • Ingredient
  • 1 (14 ounce) package spring roll wrappers
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 pounds ground Beef
  • 1 leek, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons ground cardamom
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 small Onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon water, or as needed
  • 1 quart oil for frying 

  • Directions
  1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions, leek and garlic, and cook, stirring until the onions are transparent. Add ground Beef, and cook until about halfway done. Season with cumin, cardamom, salt and pepper. Mix well, and continue cooking until Beef has browned.
  2. In a small dish or cup, mix together the flour and water to make a thin paste. Using one wrapper at a time, fold into the shape of a cone. Fill the cone with the meat mixture, close the top, and seal with the paste. Repeat until wraps or filling are used up.
  3. Heat the oil to 365 degrees F (170 degrees C) in a deep-fryer or deep heavy pot. There should be enough oil to submerge the wraps. Fry the Sambusa a few at a time until golden brown. Remove carefully to drain on paper towels.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mango Shake

Mango shakes are easy and quick to make for your family and it is healthy. If you are on a diet you can replace your breakfast with a glass of Mango Shake.


Ice cube   3 of them
Mango Pulp      1/2cup
Milk cup1/2
Sugar   2 tsp
Yellow food color (if needed)

1 Blend the mango pulp well in a blender or mixer.
2 Add milk, Ice and sugar to the mango pulp and blend well once again.
 3 Pour the shake in tall glasses. Add ice cream if you like.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Simple Hummus Recipe

If you love Hummus like i do than here is a fresh way to make it  without buying it from the store. Also it is more delicious when you make it fresh.

Severing: 8 people

1(15- ounce)can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1\2cup plain fat free yogurt
2talbespoon fresh lemon juice
3garlic cloves, crushed
1teaspoon olive oil
1teaspoon water
1\2 teaspoon salt
1\2teaspoon ground cumin
1\2 teaspoon freshly ground peppers

In a food processor or blender puree all the ingredients until blended but still a little chunky .
Must sure you  the unused hummus on airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days

Outfit of the day.

My outfit of the day is a simple hot pink Chiffon skirt  with a shirt and a blazer. To accessorize i have a purse and also a ring  and to top it off these sexy heels. This can be worn at the office a causal date or just hanging out with your girls.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Hadith of the day

The Prophet, peace upon him, said, “All of the speech of the Child of Adam will be held against him, it will not be in his favor; except commanding good, forbidding wrong, or the remembrance of Allah. Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Hadeeth

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chicken Tandoori Recipe


Today's recipe is from India. We all know India for Bollywood or their colorful   Sarees. But did you know most of the world spices come from India.  Indian spices offer significant health benefits and contribute towards an individual’s healthy life. They add flavor and nutrients to dishes without fat or calories. Two of my favorite spices which I used the most are Cumin (Jeera).. Cumin is part of the parsley family. The seeds are oval with ridges, greenish-beige in color, warm, nutty aroma and a taste that is bitter, but not hot. They can be ground to a powder and makes the food taste good. The second one is   Turmeric (Haldi) is  from the root of Curcuma longa, a leafy plant related to ginger. It has a bright yellow color and a pungent, warm, earthy aroma and taste. Although it becomes bitter if too much used. Today's Recipe is Chicken Tandoori.
  • 1 (3-pound) chicken, cut into serving pieces, skinned and trimmed of all visible fat
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or malt vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon peeled and grated or crushed ginger root
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons salt, or to taste
  • Vegetable oil, for brushing
  • Fresh cilantro sprigs for garnish
  • Slices of cucumber, red (Spanish) onion, tomato and lemon, for garnish


  • Make shallow diagonal slashes in the chicken pieces and keep aside.
  • Mix the Tandoori Masala with the yogurt, 2 tbsp cooking oil and salt to taste and make a smooth paste.
  • Smear this paste all over the chicken pieces, ensuring you rub it well into the slashes you made earlier and that the pieces are well coated.
  • Put all the pieces and marinade into a deep bowl and cover. Refrigerate and allow to marinate for 12-18 hours.
  • Preheat your grill on medium. Put the chicken on it and quickly sear (sealing in juices) on both sides. Now allow to brown on both sides, brushing cooking oil on as necessary. Once browned, reduce heat and cover the grill. Cook till the chicken is tender. Do not overcook or the chicken will dry out.
  • If you don't have a grill you can also bake the chicken. Preheat your oven to 180C/ 350F/ Gas Mark 4. While it is heating, line a baking tray with foil and spray the foil with cooking spray or smear with cooking oil. Lay the pieces on this foil and drizzle lightly with cooking oil.
  • Bake for approximately 15 minutes, then turn pieces and bake for another 10 minutes. Test chicken to see if cooked.
  • When done, place chicken in a plate and you are  ready to eat it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Homemade Facial Scrubs

It is not surprising that more and more women want to preserve their beauty  and would travel to the end of  earth to find  the fountain of youth.Well ladies I can't give  you the antidote  to freeze time  but I can tell you  a secret that will leave your skin smooth and glowing. It is has three  simple ingredients  drum rolls please  and  it is Honey  Lemon Sugar. All you have to do is add the lemon sugar and honey on a bowl mixed and apply to your face and wait for 30minutes until the mask is dry. Make sure to rise off with warm water. and than the step two is to apply moisturizer In do time you will see your skin brighter and  smoother. Remember that a homemade facial scrub can make your skin look younger, shinier and more radiant.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tim Hortons

To all my coffee lovers   Tim Hortons is bringing back Roll up the Rim on February 18th and their are many prizes to be won. Even though i have not won a big items i usually get the free coffee or  Donuts. May this year i will win something big I'm hoping for a car because  i can use one right now. Well lets cross our fingers and good luck everyone.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Potty Traning

I have deiced to potty train my two year  daughter  and it is not going so well.  I have  watched every video possible on you tube and i have not come cross a helpful video yet and, in the mist of this my daughter thinks that  her potty train thing is for playing with it.I have decided maybe i can do the reward thing so i bought some candies and  cookies but she is just eating them and than running away so their goes the reward idea. The idea of reward is  more like bribing them to do what we  went but my little clever kid is not falling for this trick.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hadith of the day

“Whoever seeks honor [by marrying a woman] will be tested with lowliness, and whoever seeks wealth [by marrying a woman] will be tested with poverty, but whoever looks for righteousness [in a woman], then Allah would combine both honor and wealth with righteousness for him in her.” — Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Calling All Fashionistas

Seasons change, time moves at warp speed, relationships may sail with the wind, but do I dare say that fashion is here to stay, whether you are a dior,burberry, Gucci, coach fan, I personally love all the different designers, they each have their own special flare but all have that wow factor in common. I love the romp of Gustavo cadille to the quiet confidence of Nicole farhi, fashion is what makes you completely drool over a strange walking the street, you want to know who it was that brought that master mind of an ensamble together, if there was ever a fashion junkie I would be madly waving my hands saying that’s me I am guilty please take me away to fashion island. Ladies there are so many pieces that you can mix and match to make any outfit look like you just stepped of the runway. A lot people think that just because fashion is involved it means you have to compromise modesty, this is absolutely hearsay, you can find a lot of cute modest clothes out there, you just have to be patient and have vision, I can know proudly send you guys off to fashion land, be curious, mindful and be ready to explore your inner fashionista.