Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to School

Back to school is a sign of summer ending and the blessing of sending your trouble makers back to school . Where you can sit for a 10minutes and not hearing a single scream of Mommy  I help  or Mommy can you make me something to eat.But you  start to panic because you where too busy celebrating  that you forget to go the  infamous  back to school shopping where you spend your hared earn money on  brand names clothes shoes and oh yeah the list of items for your classes. In the back of your head you are worried about how their first day well be  or well they get bullied lose their  backpack  but before we get ahead of yourself calm down and  start withe school shopping list. My recommendation would be make a list of the things your children need get organize and plan a head. The best time to go shopping is early in the morning when the malls or stores are not really busy.If you have older children and they like brand names than go to the malls and most of the stores are having some kind of a sale or deal for the back to school shopping but if you have younger children than they don't care about brand names so you can take them to a places like Waltmart or The Children Places.  I have learned that the best place to shop for back to school supplies are places like the dollar store Walmart and Staples.Don't forget to the children  involve in this process let them pick their own school supplies and their bags etc. Children grow up so fast that you will not get these moment so enjoy and have fun and don't forget  it is going to be a long year.

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