Saturday, February 23, 2013

Homemade Facial Scrubs

It is not surprising that more and more women want to preserve their beauty  and would travel to the end of  earth to find  the fountain of youth.Well ladies I can't give  you the antidote  to freeze time  but I can tell you  a secret that will leave your skin smooth and glowing. It is has three  simple ingredients  drum rolls please  and  it is Honey  Lemon Sugar. All you have to do is add the lemon sugar and honey on a bowl mixed and apply to your face and wait for 30minutes until the mask is dry. Make sure to rise off with warm water. and than the step two is to apply moisturizer In do time you will see your skin brighter and  smoother. Remember that a homemade facial scrub can make your skin look younger, shinier and more radiant.

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