Thursday, January 3, 2013


Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought god I sure am having an awful face day, first your pores seem to scream hey everyone look at me, second you notice the hyper pigmentation and that just takes the cake, well fret no more dolls I have got the perfect remedy for you gals, Mac make up has the solution to every complaint, the various tones and shades of makeup can  make any old gal feel like a pre-Madonna, you can find make up to your exact shade from yellow, white to precious mahogany skin. Their mascara, eye liners, and eye shadows are to die for, anyone who has not been living under a rock can totally agree with me that if it’s not Mac it truly is whack. So ladies if you are not into Mac make up I say abandon that god forsaken thing you call make up and head to your local Mac retail stores, you will not be disappointed.

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