Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Potty Traning

I have deiced to potty train my two year  daughter  and it is not going so well.  I have  watched every video possible on you tube and i have not come cross a helpful video yet and, in the mist of this my daughter thinks that  her potty train thing is for playing with it.I have decided maybe i can do the reward thing so i bought some candies and  cookies but she is just eating them and than running away so their goes the reward idea. The idea of reward is  more like bribing them to do what we  went but my little clever kid is not falling for this trick.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hadith of the day

“Whoever seeks honor [by marrying a woman] will be tested with lowliness, and whoever seeks wealth [by marrying a woman] will be tested with poverty, but whoever looks for righteousness [in a woman], then Allah would combine both honor and wealth with righteousness for him in her.” — Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Calling All Fashionistas

Seasons change, time moves at warp speed, relationships may sail with the wind, but do I dare say that fashion is here to stay, whether you are a dior,burberry, Gucci, coach fan, I personally love all the different designers, they each have their own special flare but all have that wow factor in common. I love the romp of Gustavo cadille to the quiet confidence of Nicole farhi, fashion is what makes you completely drool over a strange walking the street, you want to know who it was that brought that master mind of an ensamble together, if there was ever a fashion junkie I would be madly waving my hands saying that’s me I am guilty please take me away to fashion island. Ladies there are so many pieces that you can mix and match to make any outfit look like you just stepped of the runway. A lot people think that just because fashion is involved it means you have to compromise modesty, this is absolutely hearsay, you can find a lot of cute modest clothes out there, you just have to be patient and have vision, I can know proudly send you guys off to fashion land, be curious, mindful and be ready to explore your inner fashionista.


Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought god I sure am having an awful face day, first your pores seem to scream hey everyone look at me, second you notice the hyper pigmentation and that just takes the cake, well fret no more dolls I have got the perfect remedy for you gals, Mac make up has the solution to every complaint, the various tones and shades of makeup can  make any old gal feel like a pre-Madonna, you can find make up to your exact shade from yellow, white to precious mahogany skin. Their mascara, eye liners, and eye shadows are to die for, anyone who has not been living under a rock can totally agree with me that if it’s not Mac it truly is whack. So ladies if you are not into Mac make up I say abandon that god forsaken thing you call make up and head to your local Mac retail stores, you will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The battle of the phones

iPhone 5 vs. Samsung S III, which one would you choose?

Sephora store

Ladies have you ever walked into a sephora store and start shaking like an addict? Well more like convulsing of course the majority of women are shamefully shaking their heads in the yes of course notion. When I walk into the store my eyes glisten like diamonds in the night sky, the scents of different perfumes from dior, chanel,burberry hit me in the face oh I am ready to black out from the heavenly smell. The makeup section makes me envy every wand waving artist out there, secretly hoping that I can transform myself into a the ultra make up queen, my favorite of course is the Dior show mascara, make up forever foundation and smash box eye liner, now be ware ladies sephora is not for the faint of heart because their products can be pretty expensive but if I say it’s a mere investment at the end of the day. The reason why I like shopping here is because their products are guaranteed, if you don’t like the product simply return it within thirty days and bam your money is returned, with me its often not about the price tag but the dilemma of how to avoiding buying the entire store.


My dear sisters just know that sometimes things that we plan never turn out the way we want. So instead of complaining or been sad i would say just put your trust in Allah and know that Allah has better plans for you. Never give up and never lose hope.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hadith of the day

‘And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them. Verily! Man is indeed an extreme wrong-doer’ [Surah Ibrahim Verse 34].