Saturday, October 29, 2011

The importance of Education.

 I wonder why so many  Muslim  women are not educated . Even when Prophet Muhammad - (s.a.w) said “The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female.” So what are we doing  wrong  why is that we have so much uneducated sisters. Here are some facts about The devastating effect of poverty on women. These facts are taken from a web site ( at these facts proof's that if  we educated a Women  we are educating a Whole nation.


The devastating effect of poverty on women
  • Above 80 percent of farmers in Africa are women.
  • More than 40 percent of women in Africa do not have access to basic education.
  • If a girl is educated for six years or more, as an adult her prenatal care, postnatal care and childbirth survival rates, will dramatically and consistently improve.
  • Educated mothers immunize their children 50 percent more often than mothers who are not educated.
  • AIDS spreads twice as quickly among uneducated girls than among girls that have even some schooling.
  • The children of a woman with five years of primary school education have a survival rate 40 percent higher than children of women with no education.
  • A woman living in sub-Saharan Africa has a 1 in 16 chance of dying in pregnancy. This compares with a 1 in 3,700 risk for a woman from North America.
  • Every minute, a woman somewhere dies in pregnancy or childbirth. This adds up to 1,400 women dying each day-an estimated 529,000 each year-from pregnancy-related causes.
  • Almost half of births in developing countries take place without the help of a skilled birth attendant.

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