Thursday, November 22, 2012

Surah of the Day ( Al Humazah Surah 104. The Traducer, The Gossipmonger)

Al Humazah
Surah 104. The Traducer, The Gossipmonger

104:1 Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and-backbiter,
  Waylun likulli humazatin lumazatin
104:2 Who pileth up wealth and layeth it by,
  Allathee jamaAAa malanwaAAaddadahu
104:3 Thinking that his wealth would make him last for ever!
  Yahsabu anna malahu akhladahu
104:4 By no means! He will be sure to be thrown into That which Breaks to Pieces,
  Kalla layunbathanna fee alhutamati
104:5 And what will explain to thee That which Breaks to Pieces?
  Wama adraka ma alhutamatu
104:6 (It is) the Fire of (the Wrath of) Allah kindled (to a blaze),
  Naru Allahi almooqadatu
104:7 The which doth mount (Right) to the Hearts:
  Allatee tattaliAAu AAalaal-af-idati
104:8 It shall be made into a vault over them,
  lnnaha AAalayhim mu/sadatun
104:9 In columns outstretched.
  Fee AAamadin mumaddadatin

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