Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hair treatment the natural way without any chemicals. All you have do to get a beautiful hair is to use all natural hair treatment. In this option of natural hair treatment is very common as it does not entail a lot of work in order to achieve it. All you need is one big avocado cut into pieces then blended it well with and add 3table spoon of olive oil. Pour the mixture into a bottle and add some salt to the mixture to ensure the longevity of your hair mask as well as freshness making your natural hair treatment worthwhile. Apply the avocado mixture beginning from your hair roots to the tips of your hair. You can wrap your hair with a dry towel for about fifteen minutes to facilitate your natural hair treatment to settle. Afterwards you can rinse your hair using warm water, then later on with cold water which gives your hair a shiny look. I would recommend you do this one month To keep your hair healthier and at the same time shiny.

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