Thursday, November 10, 2011


As salamu Alaykum my dear sisters I have noticed the latest trend to the hit street is smoking sheesha everyone is doing it Blacks Whites Chinese  and to my surprise  some Muslim females  are also doing the new trend in town.I'm not hear to judge anyone  but is it smoking sheesha Haram ? Are the sister that are smoking shisha going too far? Or it is that societies are making smoking shisha cool. I wonder if these sisters who are smoking shisha are aware of it's harmful effects. It is so sad that  most restaurant and cafe owners are lying to their  customer  telling that it is merely flavored  smoke and it does not have tobacco in it. Some studies have shown that people who smoke shisha may inhale as much smoke during one session  as a person who smokes cigarettes. It is crazy that after the shisha pass through water the smoke produces a high level of toxins  including  carbon monoxide and heavy metals and other  chemicals.I also have noticed that  youth are getting into this trend also and it is very sad to see a 13 year old smoking Shisha. In some cultures it is okay smoke shisha and  that it is everywhere.

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