Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Hijba the Islamic  head scarf has got a make over  and is  one of the most popular clothing items that are worn by women . Today’s Islamic Hijabs  It has gone through many modifications and shed its conservative image. The younger generation of Muslim women  have different style in designs colors and patterns.The old tradition is still here and are worn by older or middle age women who still like to wear black or dark colored  hijabs.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Our first day of Snow.. Oh how i hate snow... Everything is  watery dirty and cold. And the worst of all i have not bought  my water winter yet.. I guess i will not be going outside for day..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


                                                         America runs Dunkin Donuts

                                                            Canada runs Tim Hortons

 And if you are rich  you go to Starbucks to get away from  the poor people :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)

Monday, November 14, 2011


Once the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was asked, 
"What person can be the best friend?" "He who helps 
you remember Allah (SWT), and reminds you when you 
forget Him," the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), counseled.

Pick your friends wisely sisters

Sisters please choice your friend wisely  for Muslims like us who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority . The issues of choosing the right friend is important for preserving our Deen so make sure you are befriending  the righteous  and virtuous  Muslim  and is necessary  means for staying  on the straight path . You don't want a person who will be your friend and lead you away from Allah's path and sometimes we do get distracted, and stray away from Allah's path but if you have a great friends that will always keep you in the right path than your work will be a lot easier.Walahi sometimes our own Muslim will tell you oh lets go clubbing today or lets go to a house party. Do you ever think of what will happen to you if died in a Club or at party Subhnallah.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Quote of the Day

Prophet Muhammad -“Do not consider any act of kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.”

Friday, November 11, 2011


This is a OMG moment. I can't believe this wait a minute yes i can believe this  that Paris Hilton has converted  to Islam well that's the word on the street and  on  the blogging world. Shall I say alhamdulilah that she found the light at that the end of the tunnel  or shall i say I'm happy for you sister and  welcome to the family of about a billion brothers and sisters around the world. They said that  Pairs  has been playing with the idea of converting  to Islam while she was imprisoned  at the Century  Regional Detention facility in 2007 when she had meet  few people who had already converted to Islam. " By converting to the Muslim faith, Paris Hilton has decided to shun her old life as a celebrity skank.Speaking from an Islamic study retreat in Jeddah, she said: "I have now found total peace in my life. Before, I used to be known as an STD-ridden streetwalker , a 'hoe' and a person of loose morals, but now, things have changed. Allah be praised." If this is  true  I hope that she finds  happiness in her new way of life and may Allah guided her and may she  be happy in her new away of Life welcome to Islam Paris.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



As salamu Alaykum my dear sisters I have noticed the latest trend to the hit street is smoking sheesha everyone is doing it Blacks Whites Chinese  and to my surprise  some Muslim females  are also doing the new trend in town.I'm not hear to judge anyone  but is it smoking sheesha Haram ? Are the sister that are smoking shisha going too far? Or it is that societies are making smoking shisha cool. I wonder if these sisters who are smoking shisha are aware of it's harmful effects. It is so sad that  most restaurant and cafe owners are lying to their  customer  telling that it is merely flavored  smoke and it does not have tobacco in it. Some studies have shown that people who smoke shisha may inhale as much smoke during one session  as a person who smokes cigarettes. It is crazy that after the shisha pass through water the smoke produces a high level of toxins  including  carbon monoxide and heavy metals and other  chemicals.I also have noticed that  youth are getting into this trend also and it is very sad to see a 13 year old smoking Shisha. In some cultures it is okay smoke shisha and  that it is everywhere.

My Jam of Week

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hair care Tips

With the onset of winter, your hair tends to become dry and difficult to manage. So avoid damages caused by the harsh winter dryness,   make sure you  take the  proper protective measures need to be taken during the winter. Here are some Winter Hair care Tips that can guide you about how to take special care for your hair during winter. Use conditioner wash your hair less like maybe every week or so.  i love using dove hair products. The Dove products are great for damaged hair.  Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo with Micro Moisture  and their Damage Therapy Beautiful Care Conditioner with Micro Moisture is great for Damage hair. Make sure you always use leave in conditioner and don't blow dry your hair and try not to  Flat iron your hair lot this can cause a lot damages to your hair . I heard that coloring your hair can cause a lot of damage to it too

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Women Gossip????

Why do  Muslim women gossip  when we know that it is haram in Islam.Islam prohibits back biting and slandering.Gossiping  and slandering are shameful, and disgrace act. The person is  detested and they shall not have a noble death. Allah forbids these acts, as He says in the Qur'an:
"Back biting and Gossiping are from  the most vilest and despicable of things, yet the most widely spread amongst mankind, such that no one is free from it except for a few people."Allah says in the Qur'an:"O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is The One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful" (Qur'an 49: 12)In this verse, Allah strongly forbids backbiting, and he compares the backbiter to one who eats the flesh of his dead brother. I don't think any one of us would like to eat their own brothers flesh or sister and also would not  want to  eat their  own Flesh subhnallah.  My dear sisters we  should  beware of slipping of your tongues and do not give it free hand to shaitan. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said:"Who protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse; I shall guarantee him entrance into Paradise."Also Abu Mousa Al-Ash�aree narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:
"I asked the Messenger of Allah: Who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of Allah replied, "He is the one from whom Muslims are safe from the evil of his tongue and hands."

WHY Women Gossip

Why do women gossiping even when we know that it is haram in Islam?.Islam prohibits back biting and slandering.Gossiping  and slandering are shameful, and disgrace act. The person is  detested and they shall not have a noble death. Allah forbids these acts, as He says in the Qur'an:
"Back biting and Gossiping are from  the most vilest and despicable of things, yet the most widely spread amongst mankind, such that no one is free from it except for a few people."Allah says in the Qur'an:
"O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion, in deeds some suspicions are sins. And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is The One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful" (Qur'an 49: 12)In this verse, Allah strongly forbids backbiting, and he compares the backbiter to one who eats the flesh of his dead brother. I don't think any one of us would like to eat their own brothers flesh or sister and also i don't want to  eat my own Flesh subhnallah.  My dear sister we  should beware of slipping of your tongues and do not give it free hand to Shaitan. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said:"Who protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and his private parts from illegal sexual intercourse; I shall guarantee him entrance into Paradise."Also Abu Mousa Al-Ash�aree narrated that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:
"I asked the Messenger of Allah: Who is the best Muslim? The Messenger of Allah replied, "He is the one from whom Muslims are safe from the evil of his tongue and hands."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Please Watch It

This a very beautiful video please do watch it...

What Islam Teaches Us

Islam teaches us that we are sisters and brothers and that we do not have the right to oppress each others nor kill each other. And also not to leave  each other at the hands of  others. Islam teaches us not to hurt each other  insult each other.  Islam Also teaches us that  we don't have the right to be superiority or inferiority  on each other.  Islam teach us to love each other respect each other to be kind to each other. Islam teaches us to  give charity  make dua for each other  and also have piety and do good action.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shopping with My Little Angle

 Today i went to the mall  with my little daughter. The weather was beautiful  for a fall day it was not too cold it was just perfect. The sun was shining bright. So we decided to go shopping   until  my  feet's became numb. I bought a  watch i don't know why some cute winter shoes i really need them I bought some   Infinity scarf  these scarf's are so cute and you can style it some many different ways that' why they are called Infinity scarf  .We had lunch and my little girl was waving hi to everyone and anyone lol  i thought that was cute  until it got very annoying having  old ladies coming up to me and saying oh my she is so beautiful . Oh yeah i bought some perfumes i need to get some because  I was running out  of my favorite  perfume.

Quote of the day..

Prophet Muhammad -  S.a.w)“Whoever doeth good to girls, it will be a curtain to him from hell-fire.”