Sunday, December 16, 2012

Breakfast ideas

Ladies are you always in a rush in the morning and don't have any time to make breakfast well their is a  couple of easy to make  breakfast  recipes. First recipe is  Papaya Fruit Salad... This refreshing fruity salad makes a great light breakfast  and it is perfect  for  someone who is watching their weight.

What you will need:
2large ripe papayas
 1 Fresh lime (juice
2pieces preserved stem ginger finely sliced .

Preparation:5minutes Cooking 0 minutes 
 1. Cut the papayas in half lengthways  Scoop out the seeds using a teaspoon. With  a sharp knife cut the flesh into  a neat . thin slice . Arrange the papaya slice on a platter  and squeeze the lime juice over the papaya  and sprinkle with the sliced stem ginger . If you wanted it a little sweeter than sprinkle a little of sugar also

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