Friday, November 11, 2011


This is a OMG moment. I can't believe this wait a minute yes i can believe this  that Paris Hilton has converted  to Islam well that's the word on the street and  on  the blogging world. Shall I say alhamdulilah that she found the light at that the end of the tunnel  or shall i say I'm happy for you sister and  welcome to the family of about a billion brothers and sisters around the world. They said that  Pairs  has been playing with the idea of converting  to Islam while she was imprisoned  at the Century  Regional Detention facility in 2007 when she had meet  few people who had already converted to Islam. " By converting to the Muslim faith, Paris Hilton has decided to shun her old life as a celebrity skank.Speaking from an Islamic study retreat in Jeddah, she said: "I have now found total peace in my life. Before, I used to be known as an STD-ridden streetwalker , a 'hoe' and a person of loose morals, but now, things have changed. Allah be praised." If this is  true  I hope that she finds  happiness in her new way of life and may Allah guided her and may she  be happy in her new away of Life welcome to Islam Paris.

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